Invest in Nottingham has released its annual review for the 2021/22 financial year. With high enquiry levels and potential projects coming to Nottingham, more jobs and a higher GVA uplift, Invest in Nottingham have worked hard to provide inward investment opportunities for the region.

Lorraine Baggs, Head of Investment at Invest in Nottingham tells us moreRead the full Annual Review for Invest in Nottingham 2021/22 here.

The past year has been full of success for Invest in Nottingham, with a year full of positives for the team. Our inward investment enquiry levels returned to pre-pandemic levels over the last 12 months, which is brilliant, but it’s true to say that it probably surprised us a little in terms of how quickly this was achieved and could reflect a ‘releasing of the handbrake’ after so many projects were put on hold the previous year. Regardless, this has created a strong pipeline of potential projects across multiple sectors.

We have also seen plenty of success during 2021/22, with the team landing 16 successful projects that will deliver over 1,700 new jobs in the coming years – this equates to a GVA uplift of over £85m!

These figures include the Government’s Levelling Up announcement in February 2022, which confirmed that the Places for Growth project (which is a government relocation initiative which the Invest in Nottingham team has supported) will deliver at least 750 new jobs for Nottingham across 5 departments over the coming years.

It has also been a great year for raising the profile of Nottingham. The team has continued to promote key regeneration and development sites, both at events and via campaign work (including planning our attendance at UKREiiF in Leeds in May 2022), which has generated interest and awareness of the sites. We have also targeted key sector events (including London Tech Week and the Genesis life sciences conference) as platforms to promote Nottingham to a business audience.

Locally, Nottingham Partners has continued to develop over the year, with a return to physical events being welcomed by members and key topics ranging from the value of Nottingham’s Waterside developments through to the economic recovery of the area being covered by high quality panellists.

All of this activity has been delivered in collaboration with our local partners and stakeholders and I feel this shows there is real cause for optimism in Nottingham. We’re looking forward to the challenges the next year will bring!

Read the full Annual Review for Invest in Nottingham 2021/22 here.




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